Assessment of regional disaster management and risk management

Responses under a disaster or an accident, cultural background


It is critical to understand what an individual or a group of people think about under a disaster or an accident and to make it use for improving disaster management program in addition of reducing damages as much as possible. We should estimate what an individual or a group of people do from the various view points. We advocate several solutions based on a turmoil or a kind of panic situation at the worst with people’s mindshare to do or don’t. Also we unveil characteristics if we find in local after analyzing people’s responses.


The informatization sometimes leaves strains in society between haves and have-nots only to seek benefits, effectiveness and speed. There are not enough protections to keep our security and safety. It would be our achilles’ heel that a broken-down of ICT systems or breaks of privacy is caused by a disaster or an accident. We point out these findings and show our solutions for what people normally don’t see in daily life.


Action plans for a turmoil after disaster (for people who can’t come back home, tourists, or people at stay outside)


Assessment of regional disaster management program and risk management program


With the way of simulation for people’s tendency or people’s mindshare in disaster and the way of disaster assessment we assess regional disaster management program and risk management program composed from all actions or decision makings by an individual, a rural community, a company, or a volunteer. Also we propose effective ways preventing a disaster for a local government, an individual, a rural community, a company and a volunteer.


Self-assessment for a regional disaster management which we developed (in Cabinet Office’s home page)


Dear a regional leader, let’s assess your disaster management program by yourself. Do you have the followings in your area ?
Hazard of landslides (including landslips, debris flow)
Hazard of flooding (including inundation)
If you live in including hazard of landslides or flooding can get quick assessment for your disaster management program after answering a couple of questions in Cabinet Office’s home page. You can find the result in simple chart and receive comments also.


For a local government it’s an entry point to assess your disaster management program. If you provide more information like a rural community or the status of disaster management program you can get more precise comments. If you provide the information of multiple rural communities then you can get more. Those who want to know more or need specific advices please contact us.


FDMA (Fire and Disaster Management Agency) evaluation and assessment for a regional disaster management program and risk management program


Here is the guideline for a regional government nationwide. It has nine indexes including risk, organization, recording methods.